

繭玉 $10/3個(JUSCO SHOP)

Just soaking it in hot water and softly rubbing the skin results in the gentle peeling effect of natural silk!!
How to use: 
Use it on clean skin after washing your face or removing your makeup. It is most effective if you use it during your bath.
Soak it in hot water of about 40 degrees celsius for about two to three minutes.
Put your finger into a moistened and softened cocoon and softly massage any areas you are concerned about, such as your nostrils.
After using this product, be sure to maintain the moisture of your skin with lotion or essence, etc
年幾前O係日本主婦BLOG(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-japanhousewife/article?mid=21373)已經睇過佢講繭玉, 當時佢話日本TV介紹之後, 好多人都去買黎, 話係天然去角質既產品, 自O個時開始, 我一直都對呢個PDT好有印象...
點知今日O係JUSCO SHOP買野時見到, 雖然佢唔算平, $10得3粒, 不過試下都OK, 買得多唔知用唔用得晒嘛...

佢好得意, 可以O岩O岩套入手指頭O架....
用熱水浸佢2-3分鐘, 就可以用佢輕輕力按O架啦, 我因為皮膚比較薄又易敏感, 一般去角質我都只係用O係T-ZONE同下巴, 今次都係一樣...按完一陣, 見到白色既繭有少少黃喎, 唔知係咪D污漕野呢???如果係又幾好喎, 佢都幾溫和, 按都唔會痛, 我諗幾O岩皮膚薄既人用, 不過佢真係比較溫和, 如果要好明顯既去角質效果既, 可能唔太O岩啦...
不過佢一粒只可以用3-5次咋, 即係3粒最多可以用15次....

沒有留言 :
